Klusteritalous – Cluster economy and innovation policy

Verkosto- ja klusteritalouden matka kohti hybriditaloutta
Network and cluster esponomy towards hybrid society
See: Matti Luostarinen Economic cluster and innovation policy 2005, New media society and Social media paradigm, Hybrid society, Social media edonomy and strategy in 2005-2012

By Matti Luostarinen

Prof, PhD, ScD Matti Luostarinen (natural and human sciences) birth: 100751, adress: Finland, 30100 Forssa, Uhrilähteenkatu 1 matti.luostarinen@hotmail.com Publications: Monographs: about one hundred, see monographs, Cluster art.org Articles: about two thousand, see all publications, Cluster art.org Art: Cluster art (manifest in 2005), see Art, Cluster art.org CV, see Cluster Art.org Blog: see blog, Cluster art.org (Bulevardi.fi)
